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Community Support

Visit the TMT community website to learn about how the community feels about the TMT project and what the project is doing to give back to Hawaii. In addition, visit the Imiloa in Hilo to learn more about how Hawaiian culture and astronomy have been intertwined for hundreds of years.


Additional Grass Roots Supporters

  • Group of Hawai’i supporters of the Thirty Meter Telescope: We Are Laniakea
  • People interested in thoughtful dialog about the Thirty Meter Telescope project: We Support TMT
  • A forum for Hawaii businesses to support TMT on Maunakea: Hawaii Businesses for TMT
  • This group is for supporters of the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea: Yes 2 TMT
  • A New Pro-TMT Facebook page: We Love TMT

Associated Groups

  • RISE – Revealing Individual Strength for Excellence.

More Information about the Thirty Meter Telescope