Now Accepting Donations
Thanks to donations made early on, we now have funds for more t-shirts and we are starting some of our educational programs. Mahalo to all of you who donated and to those thinking about donating, please do it! We are all volunteers and the funds go to providing opportunities for our youth.
If you can’t afford to donate, but would like to help then please contact us about volunteering or getting on our mailing list for upcoming events.
We are looking for more STEM based opportunities and a way to transport groups of kids around the island so everyone can share in the experiences. If you can help with either of these two critical items, please get in touch with us!
Malaho for Your Support For Culture And Science! We made it happen! PUEO is now officially has a voice in the TMT Conservation District Use Permit (CDUP) process!
The pre-hearing meeting went well this morning (June 17, 2016) at the State House and we had a large turn out of supporters. So many people arrived we had to wait outside! Thank you for expressing your support and helping to make sure our voices are heard on this matter. It was wonderful to see all the people who are helping to provide educational opportunities for the youth of Hawaii and it was great to meet new people in the community.
Watch our twitter feed and our facebook page as well as our website for the next steps!